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Automate More
Tasks Using Tools
& Platforms
Finding the right platforms and virtual assistants can ease owner responsibilities. These tools can take care of mundane work and free up time for bigger picture items and personal needs.
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Set a Hard Stop
Time Each Day
By creating a hard stop time, you will rewire your brain to get certain tasks done in head of time. Be proactive with your time by scheduling your things to do list appropriately and giving your brain time to rest.
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Create a Defined Workspace & Routine
Creating a space dedicated to work can normalize the work from home reality. Using this space to refocus and retain work information can help keep work and life separate.
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Take Advantage of ‘Away’ & ‘Snooze’ Capabilities
Set the standard for your team and do not be afraid to use the ‘snooze’ and ‘away’ functions to set boundaries. This will allow your team and or clients to keep business hours as just that unless deemed an emergency. This can also mean turning off your business phone at certain hours, creating exclusive time for work that does not interfere with private life.
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Focus on Things
that Really Matter
Planning is important – especially when it comes to carving out time to focus on those strategic issues that are critical to your business but easily pushed aside in favor of tackling the million other little things that pop up every day. Make it a point to create specific time each week to think about your strategy.
SOURCE: Aon Programs
Infographic: Tim Schafer
Work/Life Balance Tips
for Insurance Agents
The experts at Aon Programs offer these tips for insurance agents and brokers to avoid burnout and generate more business in a remote-work world.
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