20 years of making
with over 100 years of reputation
Law.com is the leading source of breaking news, analysis, research and insight for the legal profession. Founded in 1999, Law.com delivers legal news and information from ALM's network of publications that are vital to law firm practitioners, legal educators,
in-house counsel, public sector lawyers and legal
tech professionals.
The American Lawyer
Connecticut Law Tribune
Corporate Counsel
Daily Business Review
Daily Report
Delaware Business Court Insider
Delaware Law Weekly
Legaltech News
The Legal Intelligencer
The National Law Journal
New Jersey Law Journal
New York Law Journal
The Recorder
Supreme Court Brief
Litigation Daily
Texas Lawyer
Founded by Steven Brill, The American Lawyer invented the coverage of the business of law and
sent shock waves into the industry when it started peeling back the layers on law firm financials, management and personalities.
40 years
A weekly newspaper dedicated to Connecticut's legal community since 1975, the Connecticut Law Tribune went fully digital in 2016, expanding reporting of local court and litigation trends, the state Supreme Court and business of law.
44 years
Founded by Steven Brill in 1994 as the in-house companion magazine to The American Lawyer, Corporate Counsel was one of the first publications for lawyers in Fortune 500 companies.
25 years
The Daily Business Review traces its history back to 1926 when it published under The Daily Record name, which committed "to supply quickly and accurately the needs of the attorneys of Miami."
93 years
Founded in 1890, the publication was previously
known as The Fulton County Daily Report, but its coverage has expanded over the years to include
the entire state of Georgia.
129 years
Delaware Business Court Insider was created in
2008, and was one of the first online only publications created by ALM.
9 years
Delaware Law Weekly was started in 1998. The Delaware Law Monthly was purchased by ALM
and re-branded as a weekly that, in addition to traditional decison summaries, also included news pertinent to the local legal community.
21 years
For over 20 years, Legaltech News has been the premier (and at times only) outlet dedicated to the intersection of law and technology.
23 years
Founded by Philadelphia attorney Henry E. Wallace in 1843, it's the oldest law journal in the United States and is also the newspaper of record for legal notice filings, such as sheriff's sales and incorporation notices, in Philadelphia County.
176 years
Legal Week is the only UK publication featuring market-leading reporting on breaking news, trend analysis, profiles and research data from London, the US, and Asia, connecting senior lawyers across the globe. Legal Week is committed to delivering penetrating coverage of the UK and international commercial legal markets.
20 years
For more than four decades, The National Law Journal has led the way on incisive coverage of the U.S. Supreme Court, national trends in litigation and federal regulation and the key legal players in Washington and beyond.
The NLJ was founded by Jerry Finkelstein in 1978 as
a "sibling" newspaper of the New York Law Journal.
41 years
The New Jersey Law Journal, first published in January 1878 as "a monthly periodical devoted to state law news and literature," has grown over the years into a print weekly and digital daily publication including business and litigation news, data projects and more.
141 years
Founded in 1888, the New York Law Journal is
the largest daily circulation legal newspaper in
the nation.
131 years
The Recorder was founded in 1857 and was viewed as the primary 'recorder' of litigation in Bay Area courts.
162 years
Supreme Court Brief is ALM's go-to round up of news and insight relating to U.S. Supreme Court cases, traditions and the Supreme Court bar. For nearly a decade, veteran Supreme Court reporters Marcia Coyle and Tony Mauro have chronicled the high court and its key players for Supreme Court Brief.
9 years
Litigation Daily is all about the issues that obsess elite litigators, with expert perspective on the biggest court battles. Original BigLaw coverage focused on high-stakes business disputes with discerning commentary on courtroom tactics and technologies, litigation developments–and litigator egos–across the country.
11 years
The first issue of Texas Lawyer was published on April 3, 1985. It ran as a weekly print newspaper
until 2016, when it was transformed into a daily digital publication, complemented by a monthly
print magazine.
34 years
The American Lawyer
China Law and Practice
Connecticut Law Tribune
Corporate Counsel
Daily Business Review
Daily Report
Delaware Business Court Insider
Delaware Law Weekly
Legaltech News
The Legal Intelligencer
Law Journal Press
Law Journal Newsletters
The National Law Journal
New Jersey Law Journal
New York Law Journal
The Recorder
Supreme Court Brief
Litigation Daily
Texas Lawyer
Law.com is the leading source of breaking news, analysis, research and insight for the legal profession. Founded in 1999, Law.com delivers legal news and information from ALM's network of publications that are vital to law firm practitioners, legal educators, in-house counsel, public sector lawyers and legal tech professionals.
Founded by Steven Brill, The American Lawyer invented the coverage of the business of law and sent shock waves into the industry when it started peeling back the layers on law firm financials, management and personalities.
40 years
A weekly newspaper dedicated to Connecticut's legal community since 1975, the Connecticut Law Tribune went fully digital in 2016, expanding reporting of local court and litigation trends, the state Supreme Court and business of law.
44 years
Founded by Steven Brill in 1994 as the in-house companion magazine to The American Lawyer, Corporate Counsel was one of the first publications for lawyers in Fortune 500 companies.
25 years
The Daily Business Review traces its history back to 1926 when it published under The Daily Record name, which committed "to supply quickly and accurately the needs of the attorneys of Miami."
93 years
Founded in 1890, the publication was previously known
as The Fulton County Daily Report, but its coverage has expanded over the years to include the entire state of Georgia.
129 years
Delaware Business Court Insider was created in 2008,
and was one of the first online only publications created
by ALM.
9 years
Delaware Law Weekly was started in 1998. The Delaware Law Monthly was purchased by ALM and re-branded as a weekly that, in addition to traditional decison summaries, also included news pertinent to the local legal community.
21 years
For over 20 years, Legaltech News has been the premier (and at times only) outlet dedicated to the intersection of law and technology.
23 years
Founded by Philadelphia attorney Henry E. Wallace in 1843, it's the oldest law journal in the United States and is also the newspaper of record for legal notice filings, such as sheriff's sales and incorporation notices, in Philadelphia County.
176 years
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."
20 years
For more than four decades, The National Law Journal has led the way on incisive coverage of the U.S. Supreme Court, national trends in litigation and federal regulation and the key legal players in Washington and beyond. The NLJ was founded by Jerry Finkelstein in 1978 as a "sibling" newspaper of the New York Law Journal.
41 years
The New Jersey Law Journal, first published in January 1878 as "a monthly periodical devoted to state law news and literature," has grown over the years into a print weekly and digital daily publication including business and litigation news, data projects and more.
141 years
Founded in 1888, the New York Law Journal is the largest daily circulation legal newspaper in the nation.
131 years
The Recorder was founded in 1857 and was viewed as the primary 'recorder' of litigation in Bay Area courts.
162 years
Supreme Court Brief is ALM's go-to round up of news and insight relating to U.S. Supreme Court cases, traditions
and the Supreme Court bar. For nearly a decade, veteran Supreme Court reporters Marcia Coyle and Tony Mauro have chronicled the high court and its key players for Supreme Court Brief.
9 years
Litigation Daily is all about the issues that obsess elite litigators, with expert perspective on the biggest court battles. Original BigLaw coverage focused on high-stakes business disputes with discerning commentary on courtroom tactics and technologies, litigation developments–and litigator egos–across the country.
11 years
The first issue of Texas Lawyer was published on April 3, 1985. It ran as a weekly print newspaper until 2016, when
it was transformed into a daily digital publication, complemented by a monthly print magazine.
34 years
20 years of making with over 100 years of reputation